my interest in costume design I guess started wiht my childhood fondness for comic books, which I still have. I
drew comic heros all the time and still do on occasion. Often I ended up drawing characters in different costumes of
my own design, some are below.
Click pics for larger size

A costume design for the character Beast from X-men, he's mostly human but all his hair is blue, and for some reason
I drew the 2 costume design ideas on the same pic, but put the wrong bottoms under the wrong tops. ive fixed it in photoshop
and you can see it below

Just a drawing of Batman..

Beast - Jacket / Beast - Tights
fixed in Photoshop, I matched the tops to the bottoms and copied the sides to make a complete version of each costume.

Green Goblin
again made around Spiderman 1 movie time. I had heard he would be weaing armor instead of spandex so I
drew a kind of armor, but I wanted him to have a more comic traditional mask.

Venom From Spider-Man, I redesigned the character back when Spiderman the movie (1) was first announced and it was
said that the caracters in it would be underfoing a slight change. My Venom, has a human based musculiture but it also
had obvious references to an Animalistic/Alien anatomy.
More coming soon.